K – Alben, Songs und Sonstiges über Leonard Cohen mit „K“ in der Cohenpedia




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Cohen in Kambodscha 2010 / Phnom Penh

Am 3. Juli 2010 wurde es angekündigt und vier Monate später abgesagt: Das Eröffnungskonzert der "Mekong Sessions" mit Leonard Cohen. Anbei zwei Original-Medlungen sowie eine Zusammenfassung:

Postponed or Cancelled ? So lautete die Überschrift eines Artikels in der "The Phnom Penh Post" im November 2010 eine der größten Tageszeitungen in Kambodscha. Weiter hieß es, daß das für den 27. November 2010 geplante Leonard Cohen Konzert im Olympiastadion von Phnom Penh aus “logistischen Gründen” verschoben wird. Angeblich könnten die Organisatoren derzeit keinen Ersatzdatum angeben und werden die bereits gelösten Karten ab dem 10. November 2010 zurück erstatten. Ursprünglich war geplant, die Leonard Cohen Welttournee in Phnom Penh zu beenden. Dann allerdings hat man sich entschieden, noch weitere Konzerte in Hawaii und das endgültige Abschlusskonzert in der Casionstadt Las Vegas durchzuführen. Man hat sich in Phnom Penh eigentlich schon früh wegen der doch hohen Eintrittspreise ( ab 300 $ aufwärts) gefragt, ob eine Durchführung in der Hauptstadt der Khmer finanziell überhaupt erfolgreich sein könnte. Anbei der vom lokalem Veranstalter "Mekong-Sessions" publizierte Presse-Artikel zur Verkündung (I) und Absage (II)  des Konzert in Englisch:


Leonard Cohen, poet, writer, singer, sometimes zen monk and full-time visionary is opening The Mekong Sessions, a concert series to be held in the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh, on November 27th 2010. Proceeds from this concert will benefit the Cambodian Red Cross and Cambodian persons with a disability An indoor arena at the ironically named and stunningly beautiful Olympic Stadium will serve as the concert venue. Designed by Cambodia`s master architect Vann Molyvann for the 1966 Ganefo Games, a short-lived Asian alternative to the Olympics, the stadium, long abandoned, has made an impressive comeback in recent years: as a popular afternoon meeting place for the Cambodian capital´s sports and aerobics enthusiasts. Its indoor arena has also been used to host the Volleyball for Disabled world championship. The Olympic Stadium is the perfect venue for Mr. Cohen`s show, the ambiance just right for the poet laureate of pessimisim, as the Canadian author and songwriter has been called. The building is stylish – architect Mollyvann was a student of Le Corbusier and the stadium is a shining example of what has become known as New Khmer Architecture The stadium has seen its fair share of Cambodia´s recent tragedies – including executions during the Khmer Rouge era.The entire complex is slightly worn, under threat from ruthless developers with government connections and yet retains majesty and faded charm. In a nut shell, Phnom Penh´s Olympic Stadium is a fitting and beautiful monument to Cambodia´s past and present. Perhaps Leonard Cohen´s show will give the stadium a new lease of life.


Music legend Leonard Cohen’s scheduled November 27 concert in Phnom Penh has been postponed until an unspecified date, according to a statement posted today on the website of the event’s Cambodian-based organiser the Mekong Sessions. The statement from the event management company cited “logistical issues” for the cancellation but affirmed a commitment to rescheduling the concert for an undisclosed future date. “Leonard Cohen, Robert Kory Management, AEG Live and the Mekong Sessions regret to inform ticket holders and fans that the 27 November Phnom Penh concert has been postponed to a date to be announced due to logistical issues insurmountable in the given time prior to the performance,” the statement read. The statement also said that all ticket holders would be eligible to receive full refunds, instructing people who purchased tickets by cash to visit the Mekong Sessions office in Phnom Penh from November 10. No provisions were outlined for the refund of tickets purchased through non-cash based transactions.