(Fast) alles über das neue Buch #The_Flame / Die Flamme von #LEONARD_COHEN
Zusammengetragen von Christof Graf
In der Woche, zwei Jahre nach Leonard Cohens Tod im November 2016, in der Leonard Cohen (1934 – 2016) am 21. September 84 Jahre alt geworden wäre, erscheint posthum ein Lyrikband mit letzten Texten des kanadischen Singer/ Songwriters und kanadischen Rockpoeten aus Montreal.
PROMO-Video zu #THE_FLAME based on the Acceptance Speech of the Astorius Award 2011
- Einleitung
- Das Titel-Design zu #The Flame
- Original-Ausgabe(US) und (CANADA)
- Deutsche Ausgabe
- Weitere internationale Ausgaben
- Presse-Text (frei zur Veröffentlichung)
- Presse-Stimmen über #The_Flame
- Erste internationale Pressestimmen
- Deutschsprachige Pressestimmen
- Artists on #The_Flame
- Der brennende Dornbusch in der Bibel und in der Tora – Gedanken zum Titel #The_Flame
- Weitere Internationale Ausgaben zu #The_Flame
- Literarische Events zu #The_Flame
- Updates, Upgrades & AddOns zu #The_Flame
Viel wurde im Vorfeld darüber gemutmaßt. Mutmaßungen über das Erscheinungsdatum, über den Inhalt, über die Aufmachung und natürlich über den Inhalt wurden angestellt. Jetzt erscheint das #The_Flame in verschiedenen Sprachen weltweit und wird von zahlreichen Veranstaltungen begleitet. Die Originalausgabe ist seit letzter Woche bereits in den USA und Kanada erhältlich. Am 2. Oktober erscheint die deutsche Ausgabe im Kiepenheuer & Witsch – Verlag. Die cohenpedia.de informiert über (fast) alles, was #The_Flame betrifft, in dafür eigens kreierten #The-Flame-Files.
Das Titel-Design zu #The Flame
- Deutsche Ausgabe
- Weitere internationale Ausgaben
französische Ausgabe:
Ein Vorwort von Adam Cohen zu #The_Flame
In honour and in celebration of his father’s 84th birthday, Adam shares with Leonard’s friends the Foreward he wrote to his father’s last work, The Flame: http://smarturl.it/Foreward
The URL (http://smarturl.it/Foreward) is the PDF file with Adam’s Foreward and the cover of The Flame embedded in the file. The file is being stored at leonardcohen.com.
Foreword by Adam Cohen zum Download:
Presse-Texte (frei zur Veröffentlichung)
- Erster Presse-Text (US Original)/ Press Announcement
- Erster Presse-Text (US Original)/ Press Announcement
The Flame (Hardcover) – Poems Notebooks Lyrics Drawings By Leonard Cohen
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 9780374156060, 288pp.
Publication Date: October 2, 2018
List Price: 28.00*
* Individual store prices may vary.
“There are very, very few people who occupy the ground that Leonard Cohen walks on.” —BONO
The Flame is the final work from Leonard Cohen, the revered poet and musician whose fans span generations and whose work is celebrated throughout the world. Featuring poems, excerpts from his private notebooks, lyrics, and hand-drawn self-portraits, The Flame offers an unprecedentedly intimate look inside the life and mind of a singular artist.
A reckoning with a life lived deeply and passionately, with wit and panache, The Flame is a valedictory work.
“This volume contains my father’s final efforts as a poet,” writes Cohen’s son, Adam Cohen, in his foreword. “It was what he was staying alive to do, his sole breathing purpose at the end.”
Leonard Cohen died in late 2016. But “each page of paper that he blackened,” in the words of his son, “was lasting evidence of a burning soul.”
About the Author
Leonard Cohen was born in Montreal in 1934. Soon after graduating from McGill University, he published his first collection of poems, Let Us Compare Mythologies, in 1956. He would go on to publish a dozen more volumes of poetry, including Book of Longing, and two novels, The Favourite Game and Beautiful Losers. A hugely influential and critically acclaimed singer and songwriter, Cohen released fourteen studio albums between 1967 and 2016, the last being You Want It Darker, for the title track of which he posthumously won the Grammy for Best Rock Performance. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2008 and the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2010, and was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2010 Grammys. He won both the Prince of Asturias Award for Literature and the Glenn Gould Prize in 2011, and the first PEN New England Song Lyrics of Literary Excellence Award in 2012. Cohen died in Los Angeles on November 7, 2016.
Praise For The Flame: Poems Notebooks Lyrics Drawings…
Leonard Cohens Vermächtnis.
2016 starb im Alter von 82 Jahren der große Sänger und Dichter Leonard Cohen – und »die Welt wurde dunkler«, wie es in einem der unzähligen Nachrufe hieß. Mit Songs wie »Hallelujah« oder »Suzanne« wurde er in den späten 1960ern weltberühmt. In seinen letzten Lebensjahren wuchs seine Popularität noch einmal. Bis kurz vor seinem Tod arbeitete er an diesem Buch, seinem literarischen Vermächtnis. Wenige Wochen vor seinem Tod, gab Leonard Cohen dem New Yorker ein Interview, in dem er sagte, er sei bereit zu sterben. Er brauche nur unbedingt noch genug Zeit, um sein allerletztes Buch fertigzustellen. Glücklicherweise wurde er erhört. »Die Flamme« ist Leonard Cohens sprachmächtiger Abgesang, eine Abschiedsrede, bestehend aus Songtexten, Gedichten, Notizbucheinträgen und Illustrationen. Entstanden ist eine Kartographie seines einzigartigen Lebensweges. Neben noch unbekannten Gedichten und Zeichnungen finden sich in diesem Buch zum ersten Mal ausgewählte Notizbucheinträge Cohens, die dem Leser das Innenleben dieses Ausnahmekünstlers erstaunlich nahe bringen.
Presse-Stimmen über #The_Flame
Veröffentlicht erstes Gedicht in der Ausgabe: September 24, 2018 Issue
Drank a Lot
VOGUE MAGAZINE: 17 New Books You Won’t Want to Miss This Fall
Leonard Cohen, The Flame (October)
„If you felt Leonard Cohen’s death in 2016 as a personal assault, this book is a posthumous balm: a collection of previously unpublished poems, lyrics, and sketches. All of Cohen’s work has a raw, straight-to-the-heart intensity—reach for this the next time you need inspiration for a wedding toast that will leave them gutted, or any other moment you need a little sustenance for the soul. —C.S.“
“PRAISE FOR LEONARD COHEN: As strong a poet as he is a musician”
“Exceptional. Clear yet steamy, cosmic yet private, both playful and profound… as soulful a credo as he has ever put on paper”
“Awe-inspiring … Cohen emerges as the wry, sensual mystic his champions have always known he was”
“He is a writer of terrific energy and colour, a Rabelaisian comic and a visualiser”
BOOKLIST (starred)
„Poignant and brave, lit up with flashes of anger, this is a luminous collection and classic Cohen.“ —Booklist (starred)
More Reviews:
Montreal Gazette
Literary Review of Canada
Open Letters Review
Windsor Star
Evening Standard
I News
German Previews/ Die Deutsche Presse schreibt:
Der Tagesspiegel
Suddeutsche Zeitung
ARTISTs on Leonard Cohen`s #The_Flame:
“This volume contains my father’s final efforts as a poet”
Adam Cohen
“Utterly unique and impossible to imitate no matter how hard we tried”
Nick Cave
There are very, very few people who occupy the ground that Leonard Cohen walks on.”
Bono Vox (from U2)
Erich Zenger: Der Gott der Bibel. Ein Sachbuch zu den Anfängen des alttestamentlichen Gottesglaubens. Katholisches Bibelwerk, Stuttgart 1979, 3. Aufl. 1986, ISBN 3-460-31811-2.
- Joseph Ratzinger: Einführung in das Christentum. Vorlesungen über das Apostolische Glaubensbekenntnis. Mit einem neuen einleitenden Essay. 6. Auflage der völlig unveränderten Neuausgabe 2000. Kösel, München 2005, ISBN 3-466-20455-0, S. 132.
- Erich Garhammer, Udo Zelinka (Hrsg.): Brennender Dornbusch und pfingstliche Feuerzungen. Biblische Spuren in der modernen Literatur (= Einblicke. 7). Bonifatius-Verlag, Paderborn 2003, ISBN 3-89710-227-7, S. 161–176.
Exodus, 1-5
Von Eli Erich Lasch
(Auszug aus seinem Buch „Let there be Freedom – The Bible Unveiled“, Logos Publication, 1989)
Moses und der brennende Busch
War Moses bekifft?
Ein Psychologe glaubt, dass die Israeliten berauschende Substanzen zu sich nahmen. Doch Rabbiner widersprechen: Tora und Drogen passen nicht zusammen
13.03.2008 – von Detlef David Kauschke
Was erfuhr Moses aus einem brennenden Dornbusch?
Warum sprach Gott aus einem Dornenbusch zu Moses?
Moses und der brennende Dornbusch
8. Weitere Internationale Ausgaben zu #The_Flame
Weitere oder geplante internationale Ausgaben:
The Flame – English – Farrar, Straus and Giroux – Publication Date October 2, 2018
Die Flamme: Bilingual edition – German/English – Kiepenheuer & Witsch – Publication Date October 4, 2018
Bilingual edition – France/French – Seuil – Publication Date October 11, 2018
Płomień – Poland/Polish – Rebis – Publication Date October 30, 2018
Portugal/Portuguese – Relogio d’Agua – Publication Date End of October
Finland/Finnish -Sammakko – Publication Date October 2018 (exact date to be confirmed in September)
Bilingual edition – Spain/Spanish – Salamandra – Publication Date November 7, 2018
Italy/Italian – Bompiani – Publication Date Spring/Fall 2019
Slovakia/Slovak – FACE – Publication Date November 2019
Brazil/Portuguese – Companhia – Publication Date Late 2019
Bilingual edition – China/Simplified Chinese Characters – CITIC – Publication Date End of 2019
Israel/Hebrew – Kinneret – Publication Date Late 2019, early 2020
Romania/Romanian- Polirom – Publication Date Paperwork in progress, book not yet scheduled
Leonard Cohen: The Flame
Thu 4 Oct 2018, 19:00 – 20:30
Discover the last word from the late Leonard Cohen on National Poetry Day
The Flame, written in the months before his death in 2016, showcases Cohen’s full range of lyricism, combining poetry, illustrations and writings. Celebrate his life and work with an evening of readings and discussion with fans from the worlds of music and literature.
Speakers include Rob Hallett, tour manager and friend to Cohen, writer and lyricist Polly Samson, and singer and songwriter Kathryn Willams, who has curated memorable recent tribute events. Hosted by BBC arts editor Will Gompertz.
The Flame is a stunning collection of Leonard Cohen’s last poems and writings, selected and ordered by Cohen in the final months of his life. The book contains an extensive selection from his notebooks, featuring lyrics, prose pieces and illustrations, which he kept in poetic form throughout his life, and offers and unprecedentedly intimate look inside the life and mind of a singular artist and thinker. By turns devastingly sad and winningly strange, these are the works of a poet and lyricist who has plumbed the depths of our darkest questions and come up wanting, yearning for more.
Leonard Cohen began his artistic career in 1956 with the publication of his first book of poetry, Let Us Compare Mythologies. He went on to publish 12 more books, including two celebrated novels, and gained worldwide recognition as an iconic singer-songwriter. He released 14 studio albums, including three in the last year of his life when he also became one of the most acclaimed arena performing artists in the world.
Among his numerous honours, he is the recipient of the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award, the Prince of Asturias Award for Literature 2011, the inaugural New England PEN Award for Excellence in Lyrics 2012, the 2016 Juno Awards for Song of the Year and Album of the Year, and he has been inducted into the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the US Songwriters Hall of Fame. He died in November 2016.
Season of Sound supported by
Name: | Leonard Cohen: The Flame |
Where: | Knowledge Centre The British Library 96 Euston Road London NW1 2DB Show Map How to get to the Library |
When: | Thu 4 Oct 2018, 19:00 – 20:30 |
Price: | Full Price: £15.00 Member: £15.00 Senior 60+: £12.00 Student: £10.00 Registered Unemployed: £10.00 Under 18: £10.00 |
Enquiries: | +44 (0)1937 546546 boxoffice@bl.uk |
Stage & Screen
A Night Of Leonard Cohen
Quickfind L094
Sun 7 Oct 2018 8:30pm – 10:30pm
Town Hall, Baillie Gifford Stage
£12 plus booking fee*
When Leonard Cohen died in 2016, accolades poured in from around the world with musicians and writers paying tribute to his immense talent as a poet and lyricist. We’re honoured to be the UK launch for The Flame – a collection of his last poems and writings selected by Cohen himself in his final months. Join us for a special evening with readings and discussion from Elbow frontman and BBC 6 Music’s Guy Garvey, Canadian academic and translator Ted Goossen and journalist and Cohen aficionado Laura Barton plus rousing performances of Cohen’s music from The Fantasy Orchestra. Hosted by BBC Radio 4’s John Wilson.
10. Updates, Upgrades & AddOns zu #The_Flame
Diverses über #The_Flame
#The-Flame als audiobook